Before using the HMTS for testing the calibrations from connected equipment must be retrieved from the machine. To retrieve calibration the PC will need to be connected to the equipment and communications will need to be setup before calibrations can be retrieved.
Calibrations only need to be retrieved after the initial install of the software, if new equipment is added, or if the calibration changes on the equipment.
Download for HMTS can be found here under the HMTS Legacy Software tab.
Software Units Setup Procedure
- Open HMTS
- Select Tools and then Setup from the menu
- Select Units from the list box on the left
- Select the desired units for the software
- Click OK
Calibration Retrieval Procedure
- Open HMTS
- Click Calibration and then Retrieve Calibration from the menu
- Select the device to retrieve calibrations for
- Click Retrieve
- The calibrations will be imported from the equipment
- Verify the calibrations match the machine
- Click Store
- The calibrations will be stored
Verify Calibrations Procedure
- Open HMTS
- Select View and then Connected Devices from the menu
- Select the Device
- Select View Inputs
- A new screen will display showing the real time value from the equipment, this should match what is shown on the screen of the equipment
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