The pneumatic equipment requires a loading chart to know the pressure to dial in to achieve the desired load.
In the event a user has lost their loading chart, this article will provide generic loading charts the user can adjust/calibrate to their equipment.
Solution 1
Use the generic loading chart as is
Solution 2
Creating Machine Specific Loading Chart
- Select the loading chart that fits the sample size (see available charts at the end of this article).
- Open the Excel sheet.
- There are two charts on the Excel sheet, start with the LOW RANGE chart.
- You will need to place a know load in the place of a specimen, the Horizontal Load can be used.
- Place the horizontal load cell under the cross bar, adjusting/securing the crossbar so there is little gap between the top of the load cell and the ball adapter on the cross bar.
- Select LOW LOAD on the equipment.
- Select LOAD on the equipment.
- Slowly turn the regulator until the LOAD value equals the first SAMPLE LOAD target value on the loading sheet.
- When the SAMPLE LOAD value equals the LOAD value on the equipment record the PRESSURE READOUT value on the loading sheet.
- Follow this procedure for the remaining LOW RANGE target loads, achieving LOADs and recording PRESSURE READOUT values.
- After the LOW RANGE table is complete.
- Adjust pressure back to zero.
- Switch HIGH LOAD on the equipment.
- Follow the same procedure, adjusting the pressure to meet the SAMPLE LOAD target and recording the PRESSURE READOUT readout in the HIGH RANGE table.
- Save your changes in the Excel sheet.
The Loading Charts will be adjust to fit your equipment. The loading chart will allow you to compute the required pressure to achieve the desired load using the y = mx + b generated formula where x = pressure and y = load. Solve for x to determine the pressure to use.
Available Loading Charts
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